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榊 秀之


教授 榊 秀之 さかき ひでゆき


担当科目 生化学実験Ⅰ、生化学実験Ⅱ、生化学Ⅰ、生化学Ⅱ、栄養の科学、栄養薬理学、研究演習Ⅰ、研究演習Ⅱ



学位 博士(農学)
最終学歴 近畿大学大学院農学研究科農芸化学専攻(1990年修了)
教育・研究実績 (筆頭著者論文)
・In vitro comet assay in cultured human corneal epithelial cells, Fundam.Toxicol.Sci.,2,147-153(2015)
・A new carotenoid glycosyl ester isolated from a marine bacterium, Journal of Natural Products.65(11):1683-1684(2002)
・Effect of active oxygen species on the productivity of torularhodin by Rhodotorula glutinis no.21. J. Biosci. Bioeng.,93,338-340(2002)
・Torularhodin as a potent scavenger against peroxyl radicals isolated from a soil yeast, Rhodotorula glutinis. J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr.,30,1-10(2001)
・Activation of torularhodin productivity by Rhodotorula glutinis using white light irradiation. J. Biosci. Bioeng.,92,294-297(2001)
・ラット反復投与毒性試験における計量値データ解析法. J Toxicolo. Sci.,25,app.71-81(2000).
・Properties of high-torularhodin-producing mutant of Rhodotorula glutinis cultivated under oxidative stress. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 89,203-205(2000)
・Rhodotorula glutinis No.21のカロチノイド生合成に及ぼす培養条件. 生物工学会誌,77,55-59 (1999)

・A reaction mechanism-based prediction of mutagenicity: α-halo carbonyl compounds adduct with DNA by SN2 reaction, The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 43,203-211(2018)
・A study for finding new phototoxicity descriptors related to potential energy, Fundam.Toxicol.Sci. 4,105-107(2017)
・Repeated-dose ocular instillation toxicity study: A survey of its study design on the basis of common technical documents in Japan, Fundam.Toxicol.Sci.4, 95-99(2017)
・Characteristics of corneal phospholipidosis induced by topical ocular application of chloroquine and amiodarone in rabbits, Journal of Toxicologic Pathology, 30,135-143(2017)
・Ocular instilllation toxicity study: current status and points to consider on study design and evaluation, Fundam. Toxicol. Sci., 3,217-232(2016)
・Establishment of an in silico phospholipidosis prediction method using descriptors related to molecular interactions causing phospholipid–compound complex formation, The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 41,321-328(2016)
・Comparative study on ocular anatomical features concerning the breed and age differences in rabbits, Animal Eye Research, 34,11-15(2015)
・Establishment of an in silico phototoxicity prediction method by combining descriptors related to photo-absorption and photo-reaction, The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 39,655-664(2014)
・Comparative study on ocular anatomical features among rabbits, beagle dogs and cynomolgus monkeys, Animal Eye Research, 32,35-41(2013)
・Ocular distribution of Difluprednate ophthalmic emulsion 0.05% in rabbits, Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics, 27,43-49(2011)
・Pharmacokinetic Features of difluprednate ophthalmic emulsion in rabbits as determined by glucocorticoid receptor- bindingnbioassay, Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics, 27,29-34(2011)
・Metabolic profiles of difluprednate in rabbit ocular tisseus after insitllation of difluprednate ophthalmic emulsion, Xenobiotica, 40,569-577(2010)
・Bepotastine besilate, a highly selective histamine H1 receptor antagonist, suppresses vascular hyperpermeability and eosinophil recruitment in in vitro and in vivo experimental allergic conjunctivitis models, Experimental eye res, 91,85-91(2010)
・Immunomodulatory effect of gatifloxacin on mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro and in models of endotoxin-induced rat conjunctivitis and rabbit bacterial keratitis, Ophthalmic res, 40,54-60(2008)

・Downregulation of Fascin may induce collective cell migration in triple-negative breast cancer, Oncology Reports, 50, 150, 2023.
・Evaluation of clinical and immunohistochemical factors relating to melanoma metastasis: potential roles of Nestin and Fascin in melanoma, Diagnostics, 12, 219, 2022
・Fascin-1 is associated with recurrence in Solitary Fibrous Tumor/Hemangiopericytoma, Molecular and Clinical Oncology,15, 199-204, 2021
・Absence of histopathological changes in retina of zebrafish treated with sodium iodate, J. Vet. Med. Sci.,80,901-908, 2018
・Anatomical and histological sex differences in the eye and its accessory tissues in Dutch belted rabbits, Fundam. Toxicol.Sci. 5(4) 141-147, 2018

・抜取検査の概念とHACCP、特集 食品事業者が知っておくべき食品微生物検査の必須事項~その検査は正しいですか?、月刊HACCP、10月号、p.48-52、2021



教育方法の実践例 -
作成した教科書、教材 ・「実務に使える実験計画法」、日科技連出版社(2012年、共著、社会人を対象とした実験計画法セミナーで使用)
教育・研究実績(外国語論文) ・Downregulation of Fascin may induce collective cell migration in triple-negative breast cancer
・Evaluation of clinical and immunohistochemical factors relating to melanoma metastasis: potential roles of Nestin and Fascin in melanoma
・Fascin-1 is associated with recurrence in Solitary Fibrous Tumor/Hemangiopericytoma
・In vitro comet assay in cultured human corneal epithelial cells 
・A reaction mechanism-based prediction of mutagenicity: α-halo carbonyl compounds adduct with DNA by SN2 reaction 
その他 -


資格、免許 -
特許等 カロテノイド色素(torularhodin)の抗酸化剤としての有用性および企業研究における特許(計2件)
実務の経験を有する者についての特記事項 (講演・シンポジウムなど:17件、以下は直近5件)

その他 ・日本毒性病理学会最優秀論文賞「Characteristics of corneal phospholipidosis induced by topical ocular application of chloroquine and amiodarone in rabbits」(共著、2017年)


(学校法人 玉手山学園)

〒582-0026 大阪府柏原市旭ケ丘3丁目11-1
